1.Social Impact Measurement Conference

On the 3rd of December in 2015, Koç University Social Impact Forum (KUSIF) has organized the Social Impact Conference at Koç University. CSOs, social entrepreneurs, funders, monitoring and evaluation specialists, academicians, consultants, people from public and private sector were gathered together. 100 people attended the conference where the position and future of social impact measurement in Turkey were discussed.

After having seen the presentations of the specialists in the field, the participants went on to grouping in “table meetings.” At the group meetings, the topics at discussion were; the role of the funders for social impact measurement in Turkey, good practices of CSOs and social entrepreneurs, common pitfalls, and technology usage. Partipicants coming from different backgrounds but all interested in creating social impact and now measuring as well met at these table meetings. A The most important headline of the conference was “Turkey’s Social Impact Group.” A preliminary strategic need analysis was conducted for the establishment and the execution of the group. Our common vision with all comers is that “The Social Impact Group” will help enable social impact measurement spread throughout Turkey and get recognized as a priority and applied by everyone.