As Koç University Social Impact Forum (KUSIF), we have worked with non-governmental organizations, private sector organizations, public institutions, funders, and social enterprises that want to increase their positive social impact since 2012. We come together with the actors working in the social impact field in “Social Impact Measurement and Management” training, and we help these institutions to look at the social impact projects they carry out more holistically and to have the necessary knowledge and skills to fulfill their social benefit mission more efficiently.

In 2019-2021, we had a busy year with Social Impact Measurement and Management training at KUSIF. During this period, we reached 350 people with 23 training sessions, which we conducted face-to-face and online.

The change we create in the social impact area of the institutions we work with continues to multiply with the multiplier effect spread from individuals to institutions. The comments made by our participants about the trainings show that we are on the right track:

  • “I realized the importance of developing cooperation, asking questions to stakeholders, asking questions to the subject, and getting to know the problem correctly. My perception has changed from an activity-oriented approach to an impact-oriented approach. “
  • “Beyond how we can measure the social impact of our institution, it was beyond my expectation that it made us think about the social impact of our institution.
  • “The training content and methods used were very good. The training was very informative and efficient thanks to the content and methods. Thank you very much for giving us so many application areas. “
  • “I aim to create our next social responsibility project using the tools we use in education and the 10 Impact Questions and measure its effects.”
  • “Attending this education as a student may be the only logical job I have done in two years at university.”
  • “I am thinking of designing a social impact analysis for the programs and projects we will carry out.”
  • “I believe we will carry our projects to a more successful point with social impact measurement management.”
  • “I will work on the equipment I bought in training, transfer it to my project colleagues, and apply it in the first project. I will use the new question methods I see here in all the projects I will work on. “
  • “We learned the social impact and change theory concepts that we met with this project, again thanks to this project. We will start two more projects for which we recently received a grant from the Central Finance and Contracts Unit. Although these processes are not mandatory there, we plan to apply the things we have learned here in those projects. Therefore, thank you again for your efforts, valuable comments, and instructive style. “